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How do you create new folder, file, table on Computer 2022

How to Create New Folder, File & Table on your Computer :

What is folder?

A folder is a container for storing files in a storage, where many files can be grouped and computer files can be organized. A folder can also contain other folders.

A working directory is used to organize or group many computer software applications.

In a computer, a folder is a virtual location for storing files such as applications, documents, data or other sub-folders such as official files, images, videos, audios, software etc.

Folders help to store and organize files and data on the computer. The term is most commonly used with graphical user interface operating systems.



Rules for creating folders:

Assalamu Alaikum, many of us have new computers, but we can’t do any work on this computer in new condition, we can’t do anything except watching videos and clicking here and there. So today I will show about some common computer functions which are discussed below. For example-

  • Create new folder.
  • Create files inside the folder.
  • Create table inside the file.


The steps I need to do to create a new folder are discussed below-

  1. First open desktop/laptop.
  2. Then click on the right side of the mouse on an empty space on the desktop or inside any drive.
  3. Then new button  click.
  4.  Then folder click.
  5. Then place the mouse cursor on the folder, click on the right side of the mouse and then click on the Rename option below.
  6. Then write your name.
  7. Save -( Keyboard  Enter Button)click.
  8. Then click on Save – (Enter Button of Keyboard).
how do you create new folder and file

how do you create new folder and file

How to change folder or file name –


Rename means changing the name in one word, renaming the folder is very important, because a computer may have more than one folder, then it takes a lot of time to find the folder I need, so the folder is given a specific name to find it easily.

To find that folder or file easily and many times the folder or file is kept inside the drive of the computer, now if you go to work and then the person with you comes to work on the same computer but he will work on that folder but can’t find the folder, then If you name that folder remotely then it is very easy for him to extract the folder that’s why the folder is given specific name.

  1. First open the computer.
  2. Then click the right mouse button on that folder.
  3. Then click on Rename below from the menu window.
  4. Then delete the previous name or block and write a new name.
  5. Then press enter on the keyboard (to save).

For rename all see below picture –

how do you create new folder and file

how do you create new folder and file


More info for computer basic concept ……………..

How do you create new file?

Create new file:

For our own work or official work we have to create different types of files and work there, so here I will work on three types of files as shown below-

  1. Microsoft Word Document.
  2. Microsoft Power Point  Presentation.
  3. Microsoft Excel.

What is Microsoft Word document file-

Microsoft Word Document is a Microsoft Word Editing Software of Microsoft Office Application Software used by this program for personal, official and business purposes such as letters, reports, invoices, book creation and editing.

Generally, after working in this program, you have to save or save with the extension .docx. To work in this program, you have to install the program first. Microsoft Office Application has different versions such as MS Word-2003, MS Word-2007, MS Word-2010. , MS Word-2013, MS Word-2016.

How do you create new word file?

What we will do today is to open a Microsoft Word document and create a table-

  1. First, click on the right side of the mouse on the empty space of the desktop.
  2. Then click New Option.
  3. Then click on Microsoft Word Document from right or left from New Option.
  4. Then place the mouse cursor on File, click on the right side of the mouse and then click on Rename Option below.
  5. Then write your name.
  6. Then click on Save – (Enter Button of Keyboard).

Note: Rename the file as above folder.

how do you create new folder and file

how do you create new folder and file


How do you create new  table?

Creating a new table

Creating a table in word file is very important because creating a list of names or creating a list of products and many other types of work we do through tables or tables.

So it is very necessary to learn this work, so how to do this work, I have shown through the picture and mentioned some things, you can do the work by looking at it.

  1. File and Folder Open rule by placing the mouse cursor on a type of File or Folder, click on the right side of the mouse, then click on Open above.
  2. Then after opening, click on Table Option just below Insert Option from the menu bar.
  3. Then select the number of columns and cells you need and click on the last cell.

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how do you create new folder and file

how do you create new folder and file

Two cells in the same cell

After making the table, many times two cells have to be made in the same cell or inside a cell, like in the picture I have shown how to do it, you will see that two cells and a column are made in a cell on the right side of the table.

  1. Table Tools
  2. Layout menu
  3. Draw option bar
  4. If you click on the draw option, a pencil will appear
  5. With the pencil, press the left side of the mouse from the middle to the left of any cell or cell, move it to the right and release it to the last border, then a straight line will be drawn.
  6. Then hold down the left mouse button on the center of the cell or room and drag it from top to bottom, then a straight line will be drawn, thus another cell or cell can be made inside a cell or room.
how do you create new folder and file

how do you create new folder and file

More info for Excel ………………….

More info for PowerPoint ………………….

More info for Computer Ports ………………….

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Assalamu Alaikum, Today I am going to discuss about different properties of CSS, in short properties define the external behavior or usage of an element.

All types of devices or components have some features such as HTML codes are only used to structure or build the website.

Similarly, the work of CSS codes is to form or arrange the structure of the website in different ways, such as coloring, changing the size of the text, specifying the place, and there are other types of decoration work, if you watch my videos, then the different CSS Features will get many more ideas.

আসসালামু আলাইকুম, আজকে আমি আলোচনা করব সিএসএস এর বিভিন্ন বৈশিষ্ঠ্য নিয়ে, এক কথায় বৈশিষ্ঠ্য বলতে কোন উপাদানের বাহ্যিক আচরণ বা ব্যবহারকে নির্ধারণ করে।

সব ধরনের ডিভাইস বা উপাদানের কিছু কিছু বৈশিষ্ঠ্য থাকে যেমন- এইচটি এম এল এর কোড গুলোর কাজ হচ্ছে শুধু ওয়েবসাইট কে গঠন বা বিত্তিপ্রস্তর স্থাপন করা ।

তদরুপ সিএসএস এর কোড গুলোর কাজ হচ্ছে ওয়েবসাইট এর গঠন বা বিত্তিপ্রস্তর কে বিভিন্ন ভাবে গঠিত করা বা সাজানো যেমন-  রং করা, লেখা বড় ছোট করা, স্থান নির্দিষ্ঠ্য করা আরো বিভিন্ন ধরনরে সাজ-সজ্জার কাজ রয়েছে, আমার ভিডিও গুলো যদি দেখেন তাহলে সিএসএস এর বিভিন্ন বৈশিষ্ঠ্য আরো অনেক ধারনা পাবেন।


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